2014 DOG and CHAIR
The unofficial, unauthorized & highly irreverant R & S Hall of Fame
Bob Bauer
Nobody has ever rocked the blue blazer with the Cricket logo like our own “Mr. President”, and the D&C would like to thank both Bob Bauer and his esteemed (and long-suffering) guest the Honorable Joel Pisano for lending an air of class and dare we say “dignity” to our annual clam-bake. And if some men were born to lead whereas others only LOOK like they were, here we have the total package; a true visionary with a flowing white mane and a perma-tan to make George Hamilton envious. The effect is absolutely mesmerizing, or as the CHAIR himself put it “I don’t always know where Bob Bauer is headed, but wherever it is I’m going!”
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Bob!
The CHAIR: The flowing robes…the countenance…the grace…
Steve Cherok
Few players have as strong a bond to the R&S or as warm a spot in the CHAIR’S heart as the legendary Steve Cherok. One of the few “young guys” in the early days of our favorite tournament, Steve’s infectious love of golf, the Grape, a Montecristo #2 and his fellows (not necessarily in that order) helped set the standard that we all strive to attain each July. Older heads recall how his legend was born in the early years when he slept on the floor of the men’s locker room after the Friday dinner, a legend that grows stronger with each passing year as his allegiance to the R&S continues despite a “temporary” relocation to Charlotte some eight years ago. Welcome home, Stevie.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Steve!
The CHAIR: He always looked so peaceful curled up next to his locker, I hated to wake him up for the Saturday matches.
Phil Gilligan
Any Cricket Club Hall of Fame (however dubious) has got to include the one & only Phil Gilligan, the club’s greatest dandy, raconteur & spinner of yarns. Aside from cutting a striking figure in his signature black & white spectators and Hogan cap, the ever-debonair “Philsy” is known to keep his foursome in stitches (if not necessarily proceeding at the proscribed four-hour pace) with his famous & well-worn collection of stories, anecdotes & bon mots. Indeed, his inclusion in the D&C is warranted if only to create the opportunity for a whole new generation of PCC golfers to be regaled by the Inimitable One as he recounts his greatest hits; particularly those related to his late, great running-mates; Edward “Skip” Longstreth and Gary “The G-Up” Uphouse. So if you’re under 40 and you’ve never “heard the one about….” be sure to look Philsy up after dinner. Just remember to refresh your drink before you sit down….it could be a long evening.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Phil!
The CHAIR: “Here, we have a man….”
Dave Montgomery
It takes a special guy to serve as care-taker of a priceless and iconic Philadelphia cultural institution and Dave Montgomery certainly fits the bill. Further, when he’s NOT looking after Richard Deats he finds the time to run a baseball club too, proving that Penn Charter guys are good at multi-tasking. So take a load off, Dave. Kick back & enjoy the R&S and the Phillies Flight…just don’t forget the cap cups for the soft serve.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Dave!
The CHAIR: It always amazes the D&C how often Dave Montgomery wins the “Phillies Flight”. Okay, not exactly “amazes”…
Rick Shepherd
We’re sure there must’ve been a time before Rick Shepherd was involved in the inner workings of the PCC Golf and Grounds Committees, but neither the DOG or the CHAIR can remember it. Heck, after two separate tours as Golf Chairman bookending a stint as Grounds Chair, followed by eight more years as “consigliere” to Bob Wurtz, we still don’t believe that he’s actually “retired” from the GC. We just turn reflexively to his chair whenever a sticky topic comes up, half-expecting him to be there, smoothing the sleeves of his Pringle cashmere and patiently intoning “well, the way we USED to do it was…”. On the other hand, his return to civilian life allows Rick the freedom to take his 18 index and annex a third R. Norris Williams title without fear of bringing the Committee into disrepute. Fair warning, boys.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Rick!
The CHAIR: A little-known fact about the history of the Wissahickon restoration is that it was Rick Shepherd who authorized the removal of the first tree from the course. Of course it took five years and it was ONE tree, but still…
Tom Sheridan
Our two championship golf courses are the backbone of the golf program at PCC in general and the R&S in particular. Indeed, the D&C daresay that the quality of our courses is second to none. And while many deserve thanks for their efforts, no one (and we mean NO ONE) has worked harder or contributed more to improve and elevate both Wissahickon and Militia Hill than of course…Dan Meersman. However, since Dan doesn’t actually PLAY in the R&S, we figured the D&C might as well recognize the man who hired him, Tom Sheridan, who, after six years of tireless work as Greens Chair has been promoted to VP of Flourtown and a whole new set of headaches…proving once again that “no good deed ever goes unpunished”.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Tom!
The CHAIR: Please direct all R&S-related complaints, comments & suggestions to the VP of Flourtown. Thank you.
Mike Trudgeon
R&S participants are a wide-ranging and multi-faceted crew and can’t be expected to agree on everything. Steak vs, lobster? Cheesesteaks vs soft shell crabs? We’ll never agree, so let’s have both. However, the ONE THING we can all agree on is that the R&S doesn’t really start until the TRUDGEON BROTHERS bring their Flying Circus to town. Rick & Mike…Mike & Rick…to paraphrase Ken Venturi; if you’ve never been in their flight you just don’t know…and you’re lucky. Suffice it to say that playing with these guys is to witness sibling rivalry and sophomoric behavior on an epic scale. Part comedy, part tragedy and always engrossing right up to the inevitable Saturday flame-out.
The DOG: Thanks for your dedication to PCC Mike!
The CHAIR: Watching Mike Trudgeon trying to keep his big brother in check for 3 days is one of the true joys of the R&S and kind of like going to the Daytona 500…you don’t know when or where the pile-up will be….but you know it’s coming.